The Song of Love. {Poem}

Tammy T. Stone

Tammy T. Stone

To allow our selves to be loved by others can be so much harder than to love, to receive, so much more difficult than to give. We also know that we can’t really come into the full blossoming of love if we cannot hold love for ourselves … this poem emerged on a day of struggling to feel in my heart what my head understands through other means.

The Song of Love

by Tammy T. Stone

Sometimes I lose sight

Of how mountains need no

Help standing,

Grass never wavers and

The ocean has never

Stopped moving.

There is another truth,

Harder to remember than

The rest,

That those with whom

Love has grown

Will not stop

They will not stop

Waiting for me

To awaken

To the song they

Hold in their hearts for me,

Loud and resonant,

A song that came into


Long before I could hear it,

And rests in gentle remain

Every time I forget how

It goes.

*This poem was originally published on Women’s Spiritual Poetry.