


I am a firm believer that happiness is within our reach. It is not as simple as wanting to be happy, nor is it as complicated as we might believe. Like anything else, it takes practice, work, dedication and the right attitude. And it’s okay for this all to be a work in progress!

Likewise, everyone has the power to heal themselves. All that’s needed are the right tools. And belief in your own powers of healing.

Your body is strong, and it wants to – and knows how – to be healthy; it is your universe and your birthright. With your physical form, you feel, see, hear, touch and taste. Your thoughts and emotions run through the filter of your body and your body is a map of who you are and have been. The greatest gift you can give yourself is awareness of what your body is constantly telling you, about your feelings, thoughts and emotions right now.

Energy work is one very powerful way (among others) to begin the journey of healing. It involves working with your body, a mass of energy making up the physical body you can see, and an entire field around it that stretches out into the space around you, as far as you can imagine.

Reiki, the form of energy work I use, works with your body, bringing it to a place of comfort and relaxation so that you and your body can do the rest of the work to heal itself.

I’m a certified Reiki practioner in the Usui tradition. My sessions include both reiki – the giving of  healing energy and gentle touch to you – and a session of talking after the treatment in which many experiences can be explored and nurtured. I am also available to do distant healing sessions. I invite you to contact me if you’re interested in a treatment.

I’m also a 200 RYT Certified Yoga teacher who aims to prioritize classic yoga principles, so that once again, we are striving for real union between body, mind and psyche.

On this page,  I would like share articles I’ve written about wellness, and create a community around a shared desire to live life to the fullest, mind, body and otherwise.

This article, first published in Ayurveda Today and then in elephant journal, is a nice summary of my views on happiness:


The Logic of Happiness

Some have it and some don’t—but everyone wants it.

Happiness. That thing we wish was available for purchase—that we absolutely know isn’t.

I’ve been thinking about happiness a lot lately. I was recently in India, practicing yoga and meditation in this most strange, intoxicating place. I observed a lot of happiness around me, to the point where it seemed downright logical to have a happy disposition.

Did you know that in Tibetan culture, there’s no word for self-hatred? It’s a completely foreign concept. Can you imagine not understanding how to hate yourself? But for some, self-love is as logical as assuming the sun will rise every morning. – Read more






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