We/Memorial (Poem)

Tammy T. Stone in Kyoto.

Tammy T. Stone in Kyoto.

Blue carpets like the sea
Learning how to braid
Using hair ribbons and
The leg of a chair
My mother taught me
She let me help her make French toast
When I was too sick
To go to my best friend’s birthday party
I was inconsolable until she consoled me

My sister’s room seventies brown and orange
With a toy horse in the corner
She would jump up and down
On the coiled springs
Smiling big
Bubbly and reaching out to the whole world
Once I walked by as she bounced on the horse
Her hair flying up
She-demon of day
She terrified me

Sunday family night with Disney movies
Living room lit by the phosphorescence of the TV screen
Sitting on chairs we squeezed together
A new configuration
We felt like fairy tale princesses
Seduced by the late hour, giddy
We must have purred like cats do
When strong arms hold gently and massage
Nothing was better

Except the living room floor
And our tent made from pink and yellow blankets
Ready made to receive the room’s warm incandescence
In just the right amount
Tucked under coffee table legs
Hung from ceiling lights
Crawling through to sit on the soft blanketed floor
Pillows for chairs
And another treat
Pizza dinner
No interruptions
And sweet dessert.

This was where I was a child and
I never liked sleeping with my teddy bears
But had them all around me.

My Street Japan. Day 39.

My Street Japan. DAY 30. Tammy T. Stone

My Street Japan. DAY 30. Tammy T. Stone

I call this, “Everything looks better at night.”

I also want to point out that precisely one day after Halloween (a holiday far from indigenous to Japan) is over, the Christmas (another holiday not indigenous to Japan) decorations go up, here, at the barbers!

Long live celebration!