Voicing Soul Secrets

Tammy T. Stone

Tammy T. Stone


A secret rises to our lips, beguiling and unnamable, lush and mysterious, alive with the potential to liberate us in a beautiful act of revelation.

One of the most special qualities we possess as humans is that we can explore the hidden and bring it to light; we can know the illumined from the shadowed, and we can seek out those deepest secrets without and within. These are the secrets of nature and the cosmos, which are only obscured from us as long as we have not yet found our pathway there.

These are the secrets and truths of our very own souls, and we have the power to bring them into the fiery brightness of day.

It is our birthright to dive with full abandon into the life we have been given, and to thrive amid the most intimate communions, where secrets have no need for conception. Yet in many ways, we are still a world divided, and so secrets are made, and forged deep within our crevasses, along the fabric of our collective being.

Perhaps our secrets originate in forces of suppression vast and deep, or maybe we’ve been taught to believe that we are not free to acknowledge and express what blooms within. We may have come to take this as Truth, and found ways to live around the promise of our souls’ deepest wishes.

But then, the time comes when a burning need overtakes, a calling, and we are humbled and ecstatic before the urge to lay our secrets bare, so that they transform into beautiful manifestations of the fierce uniqueness of our being. We discover that secrets burn holes where wholeness should dwell. We find the words to convey the reservoir of creativity we’ve been harboring since the beginning of all there is.

The unleashing of our souls’ secrets is nothing less than an act of divinity coursing through us, a dance with sparkling oneness within pristine and eternal Time, as we find true homes in our bodies, on Earth and beyond.

Who among us doesn’t walk the earth with the songs of our souls waiting to emerge? And so we carve a space for silence, and we remember what has been forgotten. We surrender so that enchantment may come. We take refuge in Mother Earth, under the moon, in the stars above. We revel before the sun as it casts its last embers of the day, in the bud of a seed bursting into new life, in the ineffable moments of life that flow within us like cosmic breath. The mysteries do not only inspire questions, but penetrate on levels we cannot glimpse with our conscious minds; they hint to us in our dreams, and gently evoke our expressive powers.

With this, our gift of expression, we hold space for the dreams and stories our soul secrets reveal, and awaken as a life unified and divine.

May these beautiful poems voicing soul secrets illumine us all.

journeyThis is the introduction I wrote for Chapter 7: Voicing Soul Secrets, featured in our new poetry book: Where Journeys Meet: The Voice of Women’s Poetry, edited by the brilliant Catherine Ghosh and published by Golden Dragonfly Press. I’m also thrilled to have five poems published in the book! You can purchase your copy at Amazon.com, here. All proceeds go to WriteGirl, a nonprofit organization empowering girls to find their voice through creativity and the written word. It’s been a true honour to be a part of this project!

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